To finish the quest, sleep for an in-game day, then travel back to a post office. You’ll be rewarded with a Quartz Chunk and Skull Statue. Assuming you don’t break your neck fetching it, head to the nearest post office and mail your findings to MacGuiness. Personally, I think you should do both the companion activity ones, so that you only have two left you need to do solo.The final bone is found in Tumbleweed, teetering precariously over the side of a cliff. No matter what, you will need to do four out of seven-the video below will walk you through all seven, and you can then pick and choose which four you want to do. Some of these can be done as a companion activity, while others require you to go solo and lone wolf them.

One of the Trophies, and objectives needed for a full 100% completion, in Red Dead Redemption 2 requires you to break into any four of the seven homesteads in the game, and recover the stash from them. The full details of their locations, and of the quest, are explained in the video below. There are 10 rock carvings for you to happen across, and then inform your quest giver about. You can’t just find the carvings, you also need to collect the quest they are a part of. Rock Carving locations are technically a “collectible” that you need to collect all of to achieve 100% completion (plus you get a Trophy too). You can, of course, happen across any of the other ones, and you’ll still fulfil the requirement, it doesn’t have to be this one. Regardless, here’s one of the many points of interest in the game shown off in the video below. While there are multiple points of interest to be found in Red Dead Redemption 2, you need to find only one to complete the game at 100%-take note, Ubisoft.

The video below shows you where to find all 30: You can always go back and collect whatever you are missing. The good news, however, is that none of them are really missable. 8 of them are in fact in the New Austin area, where you’re going to be killed as soon as you set foot there, until you have finished the story-meaning it is technically not possible to get all of them until after you have completed the game. There are 30 dinosaur bones in Red Dead Redemption 2, a kind of collectible needed to achieve 100% completion. In this guide, we talk about the collectibles and locations that you need for full completion in Red Dead Redemption 2. That said, the game does a far better job of contextualizing its collection than most games in the genre have managed. Red Dead Redemption 2’s world is filled with things for you to find and see for yourself, and often to collect.