However, she starts to suspect this isn't true and it's eventually revealed Gothel kidnapped her. Rapunzel had no reason to doubt this story for most of her life. Doorstep Baby: Gothel claims that Rapunzel is this, telling her that her parents abandoned her on Gothel's doorstep as an infant.Rapunzel eventually learns that Gothel kidnapped her from her parents and they've never stopped trying to find her. Deceptive Legacy: Rapunzel's guardian Gothel always told her that her unloving parents abandoned her, but Rapunzel starts to realize this doesn't add up when she finds a hairbrush engraved with a loving birthday message from her parents.Damsel out of Distress: She manages to get out of most the scrapes she finds herself of her own accord quite easily.Her painting skills come in handy when she gains a magic paintbrush that turns her paintings into portals to real-world locations. Cope by Creating: She often paints as an escape from her miserable living situation, including painting places she dreams of visiting one day once she's free.Here, this plot-point is Adapted Out save for a dream sequence, so it's not necessary for her hair to be so long. Adaptational Hairstyle Change: Rapunzel's hair is still unusually long, reaching her ankles, but it isn't as impressively long as her hair is indicated to be in the original story in the latter Rapunzel's hair is long enough to pull people up a tower.Her adoptive caretaker Gothel raised Rapunzel as a servant in her enchanted manor for seventeen years, never telling her of her true origins or her family. A kind young girl living in a hidden manor in the woods, and the main protagonist of the story.